Next Generation Ministries works to bring the love of God into the lives and hearts of all children – from the nursery all the way up to High School. We offer a number of different classes, activities, and events for all ages.
The Youth Ministry at Crossville FUMC is a comprehensive ministry for youth in the 7th-12th grades. Through weekly programming, special events, retreats, mission opportunities, and much more, we strive to provide a warm and welcoming environment in which all youth can come together and grow in their faith. We love for all youth to be able to experience a sense of community by sharing, learning, and laughing together.
Weekly Programming
Sunday School
Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. with Debra Graham in the Youth Room for 7th – 10th grades and Aaron Alva in the Library for 11th – 12th grades. Our Sunday School classes offer an exciting variety of studies which incorporate video series, discussions, skits, and other activities.
Sunday Night
Every Sunday evening, we gather at 5:00 p.m. for dinner together. After dinner, we have fellowship and a youth community building time that consists of different games, activities, and a chance to get to enjoy spending time together. We then break out for Bible study and a time of discipleship to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ and grow in faith together.
Wednesday Night Live
At 5:00 p.m., the youth eat together with the rest of our church family at Wednesday Night Live dinner. At 6:00 p.m., all the youth join together in the youth area downstairs for a time of worship, fellowship, and Bible study.
Youth Worship Band
Our Youth Worship Band offers an opportunity for youth who are interested in music to share their musical gifts to the glory of God in worship and other activities throughout the year. Rehearsals are held every Sunday evening at 4:00 p.m. They also lead worship once a month for the entire congregation. Other
opportunities include playing for special church events and other events in the community.
Youth Group Mission
Our mission is to reach out to 7th-12th grade students who are looking to connect with other students who are…
• exploring their faith.
• growing as disciples of Jesus Christ.
• walking as believers as Jesus changes their own lives and the lives of others around them.
We aim to create a grace-filled environment with each other working together to help people in need and our church where Jesus Christ transforms lives.
For more information or a complete calendar of all of our events, please see Doug Hensley or Scott Looney, or contact our church office by calling (931) 484-3537 or by emailing
We have a wonderful, friendly nursery staff that is certified, trained, and equipped to care for your young children ages 3 and under. Nursery is available for both Sunday School and Worship times.
Cry Room
For your convenience, a sound-proof “Cry Room” is available just outside of the main sanctuary. In this room, you are able to see and hear what is going on in the main sanctuary while still providing a place for babies, toddlers, and young children to move around.
Children’s Church
During our worship service, we offer a Children’s Church program for ages pre-school – 3rd grade. This program is taught on a rotational basis by various church volunteers. The children are dismissed for children’s church right before the sermon time. Children are taught an age appropriate lesson during this time and can often be found singing, dancing, or doing a craft project. Following the service, parents are asked to pick up their children from the children’s church room located just past the nursery. Please see any of our friendly ushers or Welcome Desk volunteers if you need directions.
Children’s Message
This is a short, 3 – 5 minute, interactive Bible story told during worship for children ages toddler – 6th grade. If you would like to do a children’s message, contact
Children’s Corner
This area is set up just outside of the main sanctuary where parents can bring their children to color and play if they need a break from the service. The Children’s Corner is even stocked with kid-friendly snacks.
Wednesday Night Live
Pre K – 2nd Grade
Each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., children in this class are taught age appropriate Bible lessons using puppets, gizmos, music, and stories. The first quarter Bible lessons will be from the book of Genesis. This class is taught by Lisa Harrison in room 211.
3rd – 6th Grade
This class meets at 6:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center and includes a short lesson to build students’ understanding of the Bible. It also focuses on building relationships within the group and is taught by various teachers.
Throughout the year, we offer other events and activities. The following is a listing of just a few of those activities: Easter Egg Hunts, Vacation Bible School, Camp KidJam & Lake Junaluska, Confirmation Classes, and various other church-wide family fun events. We also offer an After School Care Program/Summer Care Program for school age children. We post information about these events in our church bulletin, on our website, on Facebook, in the newspaper, and on the radio. You are always welcome to call the church office at (931) 484-3537 for more information on any of these events.