We are thankful to offer two very different experiences of worship!
In the 8:30 service, we feel God’s presence through the order and liturgy which brings shape to worship. The theology of the hymns, the content of the Creeds, the anthem of the choir, the reflection of a praise chorus – each piece is a stepping stone where we rest awhile in the presence of God – considering some attribute or element of God’s grace as we encounter that same grace in worship and respond to it through our voice, our giving, our prayers. It is worship as modern as it is ancient and as rich and meaningful as it is orderly and peaceful.
In the 11:00 service, we step into the flow of God’s love and presence which inhabits our praise. Our hearts swim along in this river of grace. The praise choruses, the old gospel hymns, the prayers, the Creeds, the sermon – all of it flows together in a joy-filled whole which is a wonderful expression of equally authentic worship. Our sense of time gives way as we move from one element to another, not so much as stepping stones, but as waves of grace nourishing our thirsty hearts.
Both services are experiential, meaningful, authentic, Biblical, and rooted in ancient Christian practices. Both are important to all of us in the life of the church. Some will experience God more at one than another, but all who are seeking God will find God present and active at both. Neither is a concert or performance, neither belongs to anyone other than God. Neither are to bring glory to us or our abilities –both are offered as spaces where folks can encounter God in ways that change all our lives.
We welcome you to worship with us!